Thursday, 22 September 2016

"I" got...One More thing.... Founder to Leader'S

Shri Ratan Tata:-  “I’m afraid I have to take a view that there’s no difference. Because it’s not a band that you cross, it’s a thread. You cross that line, and you’re on the other side.”
Sir Steve Jobs:- “To Me! Marketing is about Values.” Nike Example.
If you are designing your product for customers to BUY! You are a FOUNDER. When you design your product for customers to use! You are a LEADER.
If you consider 9-5 as WORK! You are a FOUNDER. When you consider 9-5 to as ACTION! You are a LEADER.
If you are counting the number of patients you TREAT! You are a FOUNDER.When you are counting the number of patients you TREATED. You are a LEADER.
If you are writing a book for people to BUY! You are a FOUNDER. When you are writing a book for people to READ! You are a LEADER.
 If your awareness is your RETURN! You are a FOUNDER. When your awareness is IN what you return!You are a LEADER
 If you understand Silence means PEACE! You are a FOUNDER.When you understand CALMNESS means silence! You are a LEADER
 If your question is how does it TASTE! You are a FOUNDER. When your question is Are you HUNGRY! You are a LEADER
 If you THINK you are LISTENING! You are a FOUNDER. When you KNOW you are listening! You are a LEADER
 If you are preaching what YOU know! You are a FOUNDER. When you are preaching what others LEARN! You are a LEADER
 If work force means RESULTS! You are a FOUNDER. When result means WORKFORCE!  You are a LEADER
 If VISION means to CHANGE the World! You are a FOUNDER. When vision means change YOURSELF! You are LEADER.
 I got One More thing....
Next Blog....

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